
  • 我的未来有未来


    小树是学校的模范生。父母不断给他编织完美未来,导致他对未来充满憧憬,并许愿希望自己能快点长大。 第二天,学校来了全国最糟糕的江直树。 小树后来更发现,江直树其实就是未来的他…
  • It’s All Your Fault !

    It’s All Your Fault !

    is a light-hearted short series bringing you the daily shenanigans of different racial families, and how their lives get intertwined together in one estate. The series hopes to send out the message on the importance of racial harmony in Singapore, and why we should all learn to embrace one another's culture and differences. An unhappy TV producer facing his midlife crisis, unintentionally creates a network channel by chance and succeeds in making a series of live programs based on numerous neighbourhood disputes. He gets caught up in the fame and loses himself. He resorts to fabricating fake cases, as an effort to continue high viewership. It ends badly and he has to suffer the consequences but with help from his colleagues, he pulls himself together and produces a live show that builds on Kampung Spirit Community and changes his own fate.
  • 分手快乐


  • 我要嫁出去


    当爱情来的时候,幸福原来很简单。 剩女、拜犬。。。大家都乐此不疲地给未婚大龄女冠上各种 ‘雅号’。随着社会上,越来越多女尊男卑的现象,迟婚/不婚,对女人而言,究竟是一种选择,还是一种无奈? 又或者是一种流行趋势? 『嫁人』不是上超市买菜,要买什么,付了钱就能找到想要的!贪便宜没好货,更别指望特价优待!因为付出的是自己下半辈子的幸福,谁不想要最好的?然而,千挑万选就一定能得到最好的吗? 本剧将以轻松幽默手法,探讨现今男女晚婚与不婚的种种因素,透过三位女主角(Rainbow、刘喜喜和梁若仙),逐一剖析现代三大典型剩女的故事。。。 究竟是“没有嫁不出的女人,只有不想嫁的女人”或是“只有嫁不出的女人,没有不想嫁的女人”? 选择单身,是享受单身?被迫单身?或是有苦难言,言不由衷?让我们一起轻松探讨『出嫁』,这个对适婚仍未婚女人“不太轻松”的课题。
  • Missing


    Sean is a police officer in charge of cracking human trafficking ring. He is a fast runner, a good fighter and a sharp shooter. If there were anything that his supervisor is unhappy with him, it would be he is too on the ball which often expose him to danger while trying to arrest criminals. Most of his team members thought he is so on the ball because he was eyeing for promotion, but he has his reason…. Lynn is a tour leader specializing in Bangkok tours. The series kick start with Lynn’s tour member Anne, losing her 9 years old son in a bazaar. Lynn mistaken Sean as the kidnapper and catches him. She takes him to a Thai police officer Aut. After Sean proves that he is actually a police officer from Singapore and together with Aut, they solved the case and found the missing boy. Lynn loses her job as she disobeyed her boss’s instruction to return to Singapore. She then joins a non-profit organization that helps gather information of any crime that the police was unable to solve over the years. When Lynn has new information, she would look for Sean to help solve the case. Sean did not believe in non-official intelligence but change his view after solving a case that Lynn provided the lead. They went on to solve several other cases and their relationship flourish.
  • 非常一班


    转校生王子乐意外发现好友曾聪明有过目不忘的超能力! 之后,子乐还发现了金宝儿的迷幻术、吴迪仁的顺风耳、田大力的铜皮铁骨、赵彩星的瞬间移动...... 但让子乐震惊的不是银河小学里人人都有超能力,而是大家竟都是外星人,包括子乐自己! 子乐得知身世后,决心要找出预言中的五星石,启动其不可思议的能量!然而,魔王也对五星石虎视眈眈;子乐在五星书的指引下,终寻得了五星石,还组成了Power Five超能队! 魔王为抢夺五星石,不但逐一抓走Power Five队员,更挟持了子乐敬重的范老师,逼子乐交出五星石;幸好Power Five成功反击,打败魔王......
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